This is a TEST of the BCSD weather notification system. This is only a TEST message. If you are in receipt of this message, you will receive weather notifications for school delays and cancellations in the same manner. School is still scheduled to start on time tomorrow.

In an effort to increase my communication within the district and with our community at large, I have started a Vlog. Enjoy the first episode where I explain how I make weather decisions!
Get the Scoop from the Supt.
Julie Trepa
Boone CSD

Check out this week's issue of the Toreador Times!

Check out this week's Toreador Times

Hot off the Press! Celebrating Iowa Authentic Learning! Check out Boone EDGE on page 18!

Check out this weeks issue of the Toreador Times

We are excited to share an honor that BCSD has recently received:
For the first time, Boone CSD has made the Iowa AP Index which recognizes the top 50 schools in Iowa who provide AP courses and have a high frequency of students taking AP exams. We are #34. Here is the list (below) if you would like to see it. We're among 4A and 5A school districts who offer more AP courses than we do. We are also ranked above several districts similar to our size.
This is testament to all the hard work of our AP teachers and students who have taken on the challenge and rigor of AP.
Boone High School is a great place!

Check out this weeks issue of the Toreador Times

Check out this week's issue of the Toreador Times!!

Great Schools Have Great Principals! #thankaprincipal #toreadorpride

A post from EDGE:
"People in other communities often ask what it takes to start a work-based learning program like EDGE. It is a hot topic everywhere. There are some definitive answers. First of all, our students are just plain rock stars. Each and everyone of them brings something to the table for our school and our community. They are going to do great things. Secondly, having a coordinator or two to oversee it is vital. Schools often push this onto CTE teachers and those teachers are already running 6 preps a day and doing so much of this work already. We are so fortunate to have amazing CTE teachers middle school to high school and two coordinators to help with this work. Third, administration has to support this work top down. Major check for Boone. We have incredible administrators who push and support this work. Last but not least and the whole point of this post is we 100% could not do this work without our business partners. These business partners don't just just run a business. They see their collaboration with the schools and students as a pipeline to the future, for their workforce, for their community. They are investing in themselves while investing in others. They are problem solving with us to figure out workforce needs. They are educating while running a business alongside us. We want to keep our students here. We want to train them here. We want them living here. I could like 100 different partners in this because truly each partner is amazing but some leaders in this work worth mentioning are Chad Houston with Kruck Plumbing, Jeremy Pritchard at Pritchard Brothers, Logan Messenbrink with Lane Trailers, Jason Haupert with Haupert Electric and Justin Adams with the Boone Fire Department. This photo is a good representation of this work."
If you want to get involved and grow your workforce. Start small. Speak to a class. Take 1 student on a job shadow. This stuff matters. It changes lives!
Want to get involved, please email booneedge@boone.k12.ia.us.

The BHS volleyball team continues regional play on Thursday, October 20 at 7:00pm vs. ADM at ADM High School.
TICKETS SOLD ONLINE ONLY AT: https://www.gobound.com/ia/ighsau/vb/2022-23/tickets
Adults and Students - $6 (Children 4 and younger do not need a ticket)
Regional Tournament sites will honor Iowa High School Athletic Association passes held by administrators only. No conference or local passes will be honored.- #rolldors

You don't want to miss this! Fun for all ages!

Check out this week's issue of the Toreador Times!

PTO Pop Up Shop
Please support our Elementary PTO by using the link to purchase a Boone Toreador t-shirt or sweatshirt, youth and adult sizes available. Shop closes Thurs. Oct. 27 and items ship around Nov. 15.

Fareway Participates in Meat-Cutting Apprenticeship for High Schoolers!
(Posted on 06 October 2022 by KWBG)

Public Release for Schools Operating the National School Lunch and Breakfast Program:

Today is World Mental Health Day. This day aims to encourage people to take their mental health more seriously.
IT'S OK if you have a bad day.
IT'S OK if you make a mistake.
IT'S OK to put yourself first.
IT'S OK to take a break from everything.
IT'S OK to ask for help.