The Boone Community School District challenges all students to grow their communication, civic and global engagement, self-awareness, life-readiness, resilience, and critical thinking/problem-solving skills. Kindergarten and 1st grade students recently learned the foundational skills of paper engineering, including folding, creasing, cutting, and curving to change a two-dimensional piece of paper into a 3D structure. They used creativity and problem solving to design an object out of a single sheet of paper. Way to go, students! Keep an eye out for more Portrait of a Graduate highlights.
about 2 years ago, Jerry Gallagher
Portrait of a Graduate Spotlight
Calling ALL 2023 Preschool, Transitional Kindergarten, Kindergarten and new to Boone 1st grade Parents: Save your spot for our new early childhood building, Ledges Elementary, starting Thursday, January 26 at 6:00 p.m.! The first 100 people who save their spot will receive a FREE Ledges t-shirt for their child! Sign-up can be completed at our Early Childhood Save Your Spot Night at the above time at Lincoln Elementary or online at our website: We recommend using a desktop, laptop, or tablet to complete the form online. Highlights of Ledges Elementary include: 🍎 Brand-new building staffed by qualified educators, trained in best practices for early learning! 🍎 Classrooms with flexible seating and responsive to early learners. 🍎 Library, Art, STEM, and a brand-new gym! 🍎 Natural light and indoor space for your child to move and grow! 🍎 Wrap-around child care for four-year-olds! Please note the following age requirements: 🍏 Preschool: Must be 4 years old by 9/15/2023 🍏 Transitional Kindergarten: Must be 5 years old by 9/15/2023 🍏 Kindergarten: Must be 5 years old by 9/15/2023 AM and PM preferences will be granted in the order your sign-up is received! To learn more about our staff and programming, please visit
about 2 years ago, Jerry Gallagher
Save Your Spot!
At Boone CSD, we consistently challenge students to develop their communication, civic and global engagement, self-awareness, life-ready, resilience, and critical thinking/problem-solving skills. What do 3rd graders do when they are tasked with a challenging problem to solve? These students were challenged to build the tallest structure possible using only 20 paper plates. They used teamwork, their prior knowledge of paper engineering, and lots of trial and error. Self regulation strategies learned during guidance time came in handy as they problem-solved. Way to go, 3rd graders! Keep an eye out for more Portrait of a Graduate highlights!
about 2 years ago, Jerry Gallagher
Portrait of a Graduate Spotlight
In honor of Thank You Month this January, we would like to highlight the Boone Hope Foundation! The Boone Hope Foundation is the only teacher-led charitable foundation of its kind, according to the National School Foundation Association. In the fall of 2005, an in-service session on poverty prompted employees of the Boone Community School District to try to make a difference in the lives of Boone students and the community. In early December of 2005, Boone schools’ employees raised funds by serving desserts, entertaining, and providing baskets for a silent auction at the first Festival of Hope at the Boone County Hospital. As a result of strong public support, the employees formed the Boone Hope Foundation, a 501c3 nonprofit, tax-exempt organization that provides one-time assistance to students and their families in times of need or emergencies. The Boone Hope Foundation services the students of Boone Community, Sacred Heart, and Trinity Lutheran Schools. This year’s Hope Festival on December 3 raised a total of $24,792! We are deeply appreciative of the Boone Hope Foundation and the support they provide to our community. To learn more about the foundation and their work, please visit
about 2 years ago, Jerry Gallagher
Thank You Month
January is National Mentoring Month! We would like to highlight our mentors and model teachers at Boone CSD throughout this month for all their hard work in setting up our staff and students for success. Mentor Meaghan Otting stated “I enjoy helping teachers who are new to teaching or new to the district feel comfortable and cared about! During my first few years, there were so many people who helped me, and it's nice to give that back to others.” Thank you, Meghan, for your important work as a mentor. We appreciate you!
about 2 years ago, Jerry Gallagher
Highlighting Our Boone CSD Menors!
To develop their Critical Thinking and Problem Solving skills as part of Boone CSD’s Portrait of a Graduate, 4th grade students have been working on various projects to grow as learners! Students utilized critical thinking skills in their exploration with Cubelets Robotic Blocks. They were given the challenge of discovering the function of each block (sense, think, or act) through trial and error. Then, they used their understanding of the blocks’ functions to design a simple robotic device. Projects like these ensure that students in all grades receive opportunities to grow their communication, civic and global engagement, self-awareness, life-ready, resilience, and critical thinking/problem-solving skills. Keep an eye out for more of our Portrait of a Graduate highlights!
about 2 years ago, Jerry Gallagher
Portrait of a Graduate Spotlight
COMING FALL 2023: Our brand-new building, Ledges Elementary, will begin serving all PK-1 students this fall! Information about the building’s spaces, programming, schedules, staff, childcare, required health forms, and more are available at Check out the website to view photos of Ledges Elementary, and be sure to save your child’s spot on the website on January 26 at 6:00 p.m. We look forward to welcoming our young learners and their families to Ledges Elementary!
about 2 years ago, Jerry Gallagher
Save Your Spot!
Check out this week's issue of the Toreador Times!
about 2 years ago, Boone CSD
Our 4th grade students have been working on projects that highlight the Critical Thinking and Problem Solving piece of Boone Community School District’s Portrait of a Graduate. They collaborated with classmates to build a hole for a mini-golf course. They applied their understanding of angles and perimeter to complete the space. They had to solve problems together in order to stay within the length, width, and perimeter constraints. At Boone CSD, we are committed to ensuring students in all grades receive opportunities to grow their communication, civic and global engagement, self-awareness, life-ready, resilience, and critical thinking/problem-solving skills. Stay tuned for more of our Portrait of a Graduate highlights!
about 2 years ago, Jerry Gallagher
Portrait of a Graduate Spotlight
Save your child's spot at our new Prek-1st school Ledges Elementary! #discoverthebooneedge #rolldors
about 2 years ago, Boone CSD
Save your spot
Get the Scoop from the Supt! Episode 5: Snow Days
about 2 years ago, Boone CSD
BCSD will have a two hour late start Friday, December 16th.
over 2 years ago, Boone CSD
Two hour late start
12/15/2022 Toreador Times
over 2 years ago, Boone CSD
It’s Christmas “Thyme” and we are whipping up a fantastic lunch today! All your favorites to jump start the season and warm you up on this snowy day. “Yule” love every bite! Have the most “Ham-Azing” Holiday!
over 2 years ago, School Nutrition Program
Christmas Dinner
Get the Scoop from the Supt! Episode 4: AP Index
over 2 years ago, Boone CSD
Check out this week's issue of the Toreador Times: It was an absolutely fabulous 18th Festival of Hope! Thank you to all who came out and supported us again this year! We continue to be amazed by our community year after year. If you were unable to make it to the festival, but still want to contribute, you can send donations to any Foundation Board Member or to our P.O. Box 105, Boone, IA 50036! It’s always amazing to see the community come together for our festival. We truly couldn’t do it without everyone who comes out to support us year after year. We are incredibly thankful!
over 2 years ago, Boone CSD
Hope Foundation
Hope Foundation
Hope Foundation
Hope Foundation
We are SO proud of our Toreador Family!! Rachel Baldwin shared a heartwarming post about her son and his peers at the Boone Middle School! Thanks for letting us share this story Rachel! "Almost a month ago, November 15, I got a Facebook message from a boy that I knew went to the middle school with my eighth grader. This young man (we’ll call him S) had added me on Facebook a while back, and I accepted his request because I recognized his name as one that one of my sons had mentioned as one of his friends. S messaged me asking if it was alright if he and a friend surprised my son on his birthday with a football jersey. I was incredibly touched and surprised. You see, my eighth grader is special-needs and has only been in this school district since sixth grade. He has had a very hard start to life, and only joined my family in March of 2020. He doesn’t talk very much, but often has a smile on his face and laughs easily, especially at school. These boys, especially S, took the time to get to know him, know his interests, know who his mom was, and had the foresight to plan almost a month in advance to get him a birthday present that was definitely not cheap. They knew he liked jerseys, and is collecting different teams. S even made sure to ask me what size he would need, and asked what kind of jersey he’d like. Today was James’s birthday, and they surprised him at the end of 1st period with the jersey. All of these boys pitched in to pay for a birthday present for my now 14 year old. All of their parents should be so proud, because they sure made my son’s (and my) day. Thank you to all of these young men for such a sweet gift."
over 2 years ago, Boone CSD
middle school kids
Get the Scoop from the Supt Episode 3 : Portrait of a Graduate
over 2 years ago, Boone CSD
Toreador Times 12/1/2022 Boone Elks Lodge No. 2884 recently presented the Boone Community School District with a check for $6,000 to be used for students in need of regular meal assistance or a holiday meal.
over 2 years ago, Boone CSD
donation picture
Check out this awesome video promoting our "I Love it Here" Motto made by BHS students Lucas Thompson and Kenley Crouthamel.
over 2 years ago, Boone CSD
i love it here