January is National Mentoring Month, and we would like to take time to recognize our dedicated mentors and model teachers who support Boone CSD!
Mentor Nate Sporaa said what he enjoys most about being a mentor/model teacher is “getting to know new teachers.” Mr. Sporaa, thank you for supporting your fellow educators! Your talents and hard work are greatly appreciated.

On January 26, Boone CSD and Lane Trailer Manufacturing Co. were presented with the 2022 Business and Student Engagement Award from the Ames Economic Development Commission.
As stated at the award ceremony, “The Boone EDGE program prepares students for post-secondary success and collaborates with area businesses to provide opportunities to students. This past year, Lane Trailer provided welding internships over the past summer for high school students within the Boone EDGE program.
These internships are paid for by a grant the Boone EDGE program was able to obtain, and these students have the chance to turn this experience into a full-time job after graduation. One intern from previous years recently accepted a full-time position and was able to help summer interns this year with his expertise.”
We are incredibly honored to receive this award alongside one of our valued community partnerships!

Recently, our high school EDGE students visited Iowa Workforce Development to learn about how they create, edit, and produce their podcast “Mission: Employable.”
Students learned the background of the podcast, how to find interviewees, how to generate relevant content, how to reach audiences, and explored the recording studio itself. Students had the chance to record themselves in the podcast booth, then see the editing process and how to remove any hiccups that occurred during the recording process.
This experience was extremely valuable to our EDGE students, as they have now launched their own podcast, currently focused on the successes of Boone High Alumni. Listen now on Spotify at https://open.spotify.com/show/4hZTiSDwcgcFYYk13yNtgH!

Save your spot for preschool, transitional kindergarten, kindergarten, and (if new to Boone CSD) 1st grade at our NEW Ledges Elementary building starting TOMORROW (Thursday) at 6:00 p.m.!
Sign up in-person at Lincoln Elementary or easily complete the process online via www.boonecsd.org using your desktop, laptop, or tablet! The first 100 people who save their spot will receive a FREE Ledges T-shirt for their child.
Highlights of Ledges Elementary include:
🍎 Brand-new building staffed by qualified educators, trained in best practices for early learning!
🍎 Classrooms with flexible seating!
🍎 New spaces dedicated to Library, Art, and STEM, plus a brand-new gym!
🍎 Natural light and indoor space for your child to move and grow!
🍎 Wrap-around child care for four-year-olds!
Please note the following age requirements:
🍏 Preschool: Must be 4 years old by 9/15/2023
🍏 Transitional Kindergarten: Must be 5 years old by 9/15/2023
🍏 Kindergarten: Must be 5 years old by 9/15/2023
AM and PM preferences will be granted first-come, first-serve, so don’t delay! To learn more about our staff and programming, please visit

Throughout January, we’re highlighting several Boone CSD mentors and model teachers in honor of National Mentoring Month!
When asked what she enjoys most about being a mentor/model teacher, Nikki Schoch said: “I enjoy helping my colleagues become a part of BCSD and assisting them in a variety of ways so that they enjoy coming to school every day. In addition, I hope to support them so that they grow professionally and will choose to stay in the profession beyond their first few years teaching.”
Thank you, Ms. Schoch, for your hard work in supporting our staff and students! We appreciate you.

Congratulations to all of our students who competed at District Speech!

Students of all grade levels at Boone CSD receive opportunities to grow their communication, civic and global engagement, self-awareness, life-ready, resilience, and critical thinking/problem-solving skills as part of our Portrait of a Graduate!
At Page and Lincoln, students are working on their communication skills by being Assertive Alligators. Students have learned what assertive means and how to assertively and kindly advocate for their needs and wants! Assertiveness is kindly standing up for what makes you happy, safe, and healthy.
Students have learned that being assertive is:
➡️ Asking for help when you need it
➡️ Kindly saying no to others
➡️ Asking a friend when you need help
Each week, we recognize PreK-1st students for being assertive by allowing them to sit at the Assertive Alligator table!

Student Taylor Beck partnered with Kluss Reflexology out of Boone on a social media campaign! Taylor helped the business ramp up their social media to be more engaging, active, and aesthetically appealing.
From this experience, Taylor learned a lot about how to communicate with a small business, how to manage and schedule posts, and what types of posts users engage with more. She did a great job of representing the EDGE program this semester and has done a wonderful job of teaching Kluss Reflexology their next steps for a social media plan.

The Boone Community School District challenges all students to grow their communication, civic and global engagement, self-awareness, life-readiness, resilience, and critical thinking/problem-solving skills.
Kindergarten and 1st grade students recently learned the foundational skills of paper engineering, including folding, creasing, cutting, and curving to change a two-dimensional piece of paper into a 3D structure. They used creativity and problem solving to design an object out of a single sheet of paper.
Way to go, students! Keep an eye out for more Portrait of a Graduate highlights.

Our 2nd grade students have been developing their Critical Thinking and Problem Solving skills as part of Boone CSD’s Portrait of a Graduate!
2nd graders created parade floats for a Macy’s Thanksgiving Day parade. Then, they problem-solved to find a way to attach their float to a robotic device. Next, they were given a parade path and worked together to code their parade float to travel along the designated route.
At Boone CSD, we are committed to ensuring students in all grades receive opportunities to grow their communication, civic and global engagement, self-awareness, life-ready, resilience, and critical thinking/problem-solving skills. Keep an eye out for more of our Portrait of a Graduate highlights!

Boone Schools is now CLOSED Thursday, January 19th

BCSD will have a 2 hour late start tomorrow, Thursday January 19th.

Students of all grade levels at Boone CSD receive opportunities to grow their communication, civic and global engagement, self-awareness, life-ready, resilience, and critical thinking/problem-solving skills.
Recently, 3rd grade students learned that gingerbread houses are a real architectural style that originated in Haiti and are some of the only buildings to remain standing after the massive earthquake that struck in 2010. Students experimented with designing a building that is strong enough to withstand an earthquake using a simulation. This real-world challenge provided a global lens for engineering.
Keep growing those critical thinking and problem-solving skills!

Due to incoming inclement weather, there are no evening activities tonight at BCSD.

This month is National Mentoring Month! We would like to take some time to highlight several mentors and model teachers at Boone CSD for their hard work and dedication!
When asked what she enjoys most about being a mentor/model teacher, Stacie Larson said “I love helping others!”
Your generosity and talents are greatly appreciated, Ms. Larson! Thank you for all you do to support our schools and community.

BAND HAPPENINGS: 5th graders are looking ahead to accomplishing our goals for 3rd quarter: earning their green belts and preparing for the Bandorama Concert on Thursday, February 23 at 7:00 p.m. in the HS Gym.
Our 8th grade band is preparing for the solo and small ensemble contest. As part of our 8th grade band curriculum, all 8th grade students will prepare and perform a solo. On contest day, they will perform for a judge's comments and rating. This contest is a chance for students to show off their hard work in middle school band by being able to play their instrument alone and with others!

Today is Martin Luther King Jr. Day! While there’s no school today, we encourage our students to take some time to learn more about Dr. King’s life and legacy. By helping to transform America during the Civil Rights movement, his words and actions paved the way for a better future.

Lunch Update: We will be serving Calzones on Tuesday, January 17 and Lasagna roll-ups on Friday, January 20.

Reminder: Please take a few minutes to fill out our quick interest survey regarding 3-year-old preschool/childcare. The survey will close January 16. Thank you! https://forms.gle/nAwEbfThxZdTQjrZA

In celebration of National Mentoring Month, we’re highlighting several mentors and model teachers who help make Boone CSD the best we can be!
“I love being able to connect with new teachers to the district,” said Kaitlin Petersen. “I want our staff to feel this is a welcoming environment and a great place to work.”
We appreciate all you do to support our staff and students, Kaitlin!