Are you planning on enrolling your child for preschool at Ledges Elementary for the 2023-24 school year? Here are a few tips to make sure your child is ready for success in preschool! 🍎 Provide your child with the time to dress themselves independently. 🍏 Provide your child with the time and opportunities to practice putting on and taking off their shoes independently. 🍎 Provide experiences for your child to ask for help before jumping in to provide support. 🍏 Ensure your child knows and practices how to use their words to communicate! 🍎 Read with your child: let them choose the book, orient the book, and turn the pages. Doing so allows children to learn the basics of reading so they are ready for storytime and independent book opportunities in the classroom! We’re so excited to welcome our youngest learners this fall at Ledges!
about 2 years ago, Jerry Gallagher
Preschool Readiness
The Boone High School orchestra concert will take place tonight at 7:00pm in the high school auditorium. Our young musicians invite you to join them for this special performance! 🎶
about 2 years ago, Jerry Gallagher
Orchestra Concert
Love is in the air! 💕Valentine’s Day is for everyone, and actions speak louder than words. This Valentine’s Day, let’s all remember to show someone how much we care about them!
about 2 years ago, Jerry Gallagher
Valentine's Day
The STEM Council recently visited Boone Community Schools for its annual board meeting! After the meeting, members got to see some of EDGE in action. Our high school students had interns in class to talk about what work-based learning has done for them during their senior year. The STEM Council also had the opportunity to experience an authentic learning class in action and how students were learning to collaborate with each other. The Council then headed over to Franklin, where a STEM day was happening. Members met with staff to get some behind-the-scenes news and saw our awesome elementary students showing off their knowledge. We were honored to host the STEM Council!
about 2 years ago, Jerry Gallagher
Discover the Boone EDGE
Club Day is held for 5th-8th grade students on the first Wednesday of each month! Students learn and gain experiences outside the regular classroom by participating in a variety of clubs, including: Movies & Munchies, Hobbies, Outdoor Fitness, Looming, Games, Disney, Basketball, Animals, Writing, Ping Pong, Friend Group, Tennis, Outdoor Activities, Card Games, and Trivia. *Club Day is made possible thanks to Community Sponsors and support from the District.*
about 2 years ago, Jerry Gallagher
Club Days
ALUMNI SPOTLIGHT: Rona Rysavy is a 1996 graduate who has been running her own tumbling and trampoline gym in Boone for 24 years!
about 2 years ago, Jerry Gallagher
Alumni Spotlight
REMINDER: School WILL be in session on Monday, February 13 as a snow make-up day. Thank you for your cooperation!
about 2 years ago, Jerry Gallagher
Snow Make-Up Day
Chambray Burk’s students took authentic learning to another level in the Communication Methods class! EDGE came to life when students brainstormed ways to make the community of Boone better. In their community partnership projects, from the senior center to Ledges State Park, students were able to dive into the Scrum process and stretch themselves using design thinking. “I loved seeing students truly engaged with their learning because they knew the project was catered to their interests and passions,” Mrs. Burk says. “This authentic learning project demonstrated to students just how essential strong collaboration is in order to achieve a goal. After completing this project, it is my goal to ensure my assessments have an aspect that encourages students to connect content to real-world examples and apply their findings to better their community.”
about 2 years ago, Jerry Gallagher
Discover the Boone EDGE
We are excited to welcome TK-1st grade students to our new Ledges Elementary School this fall. Meet our wonderful team of transitional kindergarten teachers! 🍏 The TK team consists of Mrs. Malin, currently teaching at Lincoln, and Mrs. Zierke, currently teaching at Page. They cannot wait to meet our new students for the 2023-24 school year!
about 2 years ago, Jerry Gallagher
Transitional Kindergarten Teachers
Transitional Kindergarten Teachers
February is Career & Technical Education Month! Our students have opportunities to engage in a variety of work-based learning experiences to help them prepare for future careers, all thanks to our incredible CTE and EDGE Team! Learn more about the EDGE Continuum:
about 2 years ago, Jerry Gallagher
Celebrating Career & Technical Education Month
As we prepare to welcome TK-1st grade students this fall at our new Ledges Elementary building, we would like you to introduce you to some of our staff! 🍎 Our amazing team of preschool teachers currently consists of Ms. Tonja, Mrs. Bulver, and Ms. Tepper. Each of them is teaching at Page, but will transition to Ledges Elementary this fall. We can’t wait to meet our new students for the 2023-24 school year!
about 2 years ago, Jerry Gallagher
Preschool Teachers
Preschool Teachers
Preschool Teachers
See the Preschool flyer for a message from our current Lincoln/Page Elementary Principal, Autumn Seiler! Also included is a timeline of important upcoming events and student/parent testimonials. We’re excited to welcome our Little Toreadors to the new Ledges Elementary building this fall!
about 2 years ago, Jerry Gallagher
Preschool Information
During National School Counseling Week, we are thrilled to celebrate the amazing school counselors and professionals that provide counseling support to our students. They make such an important difference in the experience of our students. We’re incredibly grateful for all they do!
about 2 years ago, Jerry Gallagher
National School Counseling Week
ALUMNI SPOTLIGHT: Carrie (Greco) Bristle is a 2001 graduate who works as a nurse at the Gabrielson Clinic for Women!
about 2 years ago, Jerry Gallagher
Alumni Spotlight
In our authentic learning class, our EDGE students Lee Hikiji and Dayton Morris teamed up with local salon The Mirror Image to create some social media buzz! The two students captured promotional images of products, posted about an open house held at Mirror Image, created makeup tutorials, and helped Mirror Image develop a social media plan to keep business buzzing online. Mirror Image loved the work that these girls did and enjoyed the fresh take on their products. Dayton Morris’s video about Mirabella Beauty (a makeup line sold at Mirror Image) eyeliner even got national recognition from Mirabella. Great job ladies on some fabulous social media boosts!
about 2 years ago, Jerry Gallagher
Discover the Boone EDGE
February is Financial Aid Awareness Month! We encourage students and families to learn more about their options for funding a college or university education. The process can seem overwhelming, but the best place to start is with completing the FAFSA:
about 2 years ago, Jerry Gallagher
Financial Aid Awareness Month
During Black History Month, we’re learning about and celebrating African American culture, including local heroes who’ve made an impact on our community! John G. Trice (May 12, 1902 – October 8, 1923) was a football player who became the first African American athlete for Iowa State. Trice died due to injuries suffered during a college football game against the University of Minnesota on October 6, 1923. He is the namesake for Jack Trice Stadium, Iowa State's football stadium. The stadium was named Jack Trice Stadium in 1975.
about 2 years ago, Jerry Gallagher
Celebrating Black History Month
Haven’t saved your child’s spot for Preschool, TK, Kindergarten, or (if new to Boone) 1st grade at Ledges Elementary? Be sure to sign up online ASAP via using your desktop, laptop, or tablet! Ledges Elementary offers: 🍏 Brand-new building staffed by qualified educators, trained in best practices for early learning! 🍏 Classrooms with flexible seating! 🍏 Library, Art, STEM & brand-new gym! 🍏 Natural light and indoor space for your child to move & grow! 🍏 Wrap-around child care for four year-olds! Please note the following age requirements: 🍎 Preschool: Must be 4 years old by 9/15/2023 🍎 Transitional Kindergarten: Must be 5 years old by 9/15/2023 🍎 Kindergarten: Must be 5 years old by 9/15/2023 Reminder: AM and PM preferences will be granted in the order your sign-up is received! To learn more about our staff and programming, visit
about 2 years ago, Jerry Gallagher
Save Your Spot!
Health Curriculum Review Parent/Community Involvement
about 2 years ago, Boone CSD
Health Curriculum Review Parent Involvment
January is National Mentoring Month, and we would like to take time to recognize our dedicated mentors and model teachers who support Boone CSD! Mentor Nate Sporaa said what he enjoys most about being a mentor/model teacher is “getting to know new teachers.” Mr. Sporaa, thank you for supporting your fellow educators! Your talents and hard work are greatly appreciated.
about 2 years ago, Jerry Gallagher
Highlighting Our Boone CSD Mentors!