Our PTO fundraiser kickoff is today! Our MASSIVE GIVEAWAY fundraiser is starting, and we need your help by completing the “Golden Ticket” materials coming home with your student today! Please REGISTER and help your student with the “Golden Ticket” TONIGHT to earn the Participation Rewards and for a chance to win the Massive Giveaway Raffle Prizes (Amazon Gift Cards, Giant Mega-Treats, Pick-a-Prize Rewards, or Massive Cash Prizes! Let's make a difference together to support our school. Click this link and follow the simple steps to complete the “Golden Ticket”: It’ll only take 7-minutes. https://app.Pop4Kids.org/reg/code/CKE4B Thanks for supporting our Boone Elementary PTO!
about 2 months ago, Mr. Winter
Franklin Families: We're still in need of help for our harvest hoedown on Thursday. Please use the link below if you'd be willing to help out. We especially need help for the afternoon time slots. Thanks a lot! https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0A4EABAE23A3F4CE9-52559990-harvest?fbclid=IwY2xjawGIgkJleHRuA2FlbQIxMQABHZzTPmoP6yG0Ik6IQDlPsOMlIfLxM-G9dbmTYQOx4ri-3Bs7TlnSGPeFEA_aem_X4pm4YkPcjVFb7LRMFVSsw#/
about 2 months ago, Brad Winter
Our PTO fundraiser kickoff is tomorrow! Be on the lookout for more information coming out every day this week! Thanks for helping support our Boone Elementary PTO!
about 2 months ago, Mr. Winter
Fundraiser 0
Franklin Families: Our elementary PTO will be doing a fundraiser this year. They do a ton of good work to support our students and staff at Ledges and Franklin. More information will be coming out soon and our students will be doing a virtual kickoff assembly on Monday, October 28. We hope you'll consider supporting the elementary PTO and everything they do to support our elementary schools!
about 2 months ago, Mr. Winter
Franklin Families: The FCCLA class from Boone HS is working on setting up some activities for kids during conferences and they're looking for some feedback from families. Please use the attached link to provide your feedback. Thanks! https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSe_NyRamfcSxD3_W9D99WdScfCJxbcutr9se4DQvMoq59RQfg/viewform?usp=sf_link
about 2 months ago, Mr. Winter
3rd graders are working on coding this week during their library skills time. They're so excited about their learning and having so much fun solving the problems!
about 2 months ago, Brad Winter
Here's an opportunity for some Halloween fun sponsored by the BHS student council!
about 2 months ago, Mr. Winter
The class times for the harvest hoedown on our last post were incorrect. The correct times are listed below and should match up with the times listed on the Sign Up Genius. Sorry about the confusion! Here's the corrected schedule for those of you wanting to sign up to help: 8:30 - 9:20: Caruth, McPartland, Blattner 9:30 - 10:20: Minnehan, Schneider, Kubik 10:30 - 11:20: Nolan, Hammen, Dighton 12:40 - 1:30: Schwind, Freund, Castle 1:40 - 2:30: Elsner, Griffin, Doty
2 months ago, Mr. Winter
Franklin families: Please use the attached link to sign up to help with the harvest Hoedown on October 31. As a reminder, here's the schedule: 8:30 - 9:20: Caruth, Castle, Blattner 9:30 - 10:20: Minnehan, Schneider, Kubik 10:30 - 11:20: Nolan, Hammen, Dighton 12:40 - 1:30: Schwind, Freund, Griffin 1:40 - 2:30: Elsner, McPartland, Doty https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0A4EABAE23A3F4CE9-52559990-harvest
2 months ago, Mr. Winter
Congratulations to our students who received Character Strong certificates at lunch on Friday! 💚❤️
2 months ago, Brad Winter
Reminder: Monday is a professional development day for teachers. Students do not have school. We'll see all of our students back on Tuesday!
2 months ago, Brad Winter
No school
Franklin Families: Our annual Harvest Hoedown is coming up on October 31. The attached note is coming home in Thursday folders today with more information. We'll be looking for volunteers to help and a sign up sheet will be posted on Monday. Thanks for any help you can provide to support a fun reward for our hard-working students! https://docs.google.com/document/d/1J4LCei-JZAbcxJpGftpv3X41Mm1Gi-WWWxgZvRL40pw/edit?usp=sharing
2 months ago, Mr. Winter
Franklin Families: We'll be doing a special project for Veteran's Day this year. We'd like to have pictures of any friends or family members connected to our students and families who are veterans or currently serving in the armed forces. We can make copies of photos if you're not comfortable sending the originals to school. Just send them to school or stop by the office and we can make copies. Thanks for your help in celebrating our veterans!
2 months ago, Mr. Winter
Lost & Found Alert! Here are some photos of our current lost & found collection. If you're missing anything and recognize it, please have your student grab it from the lost & found table.
2 months ago, Brad Winter
Reminder: Today is an early release for professional development. Franklin students will be dismissed at 1:05.
2 months ago, Brad Winter
Literacy night is coming next month!! Mark your calendars for November 7!
2 months ago, Brad Winter
Literacy Night
Congratulations to our students who received Character Strong certificates today at lunch!
2 months ago, Brad Winter
Number corner is an important part of our new Bridges math curriculum. 3rd grade has been having great discussions about number concepts during their daily number corner time!
2 months ago, Brad Winter
Congratulations to our students who received Character Strong certificates at lunch on Friday!
2 months ago, Brad Winter
Reminder: Today is an early release for staff professional development. Franklin students will be dismissed at 1:05.
3 months ago, Brad Winter