In honor of National Assistant Principals Week, we would like to recognize our wonderful assistant principals at Boone CSD: High School Assistant Principal Drake Bailey and Middle School Assistant Principal Emily Sperfslage.
We deeply appreciate the support you provide to our students, staff, and families!

On April 4, Boone Middle School’s 7th grade students went on a field trip to participate in the Teen Maze at the Boone County Fairgrounds! This interactive experience helped students understand and learn decision-making strategies for situations they may face in the future.
Topics included saying no to drugs and alcohol, dealing with peer pressure, recognizing the differences between positive and negative relationships, babysitting, and even interviewing for a job. We would like to thank Ryan Titman and Scott Kelley, along with many other members of Boone and Story counties, for continuing this awesome opportunity for kids!

REMINDER: There is no school on Friday, April 7 for staff professional development. Please note that school will be in session on Monday, April 10 and Tuesday, April 11, for snow make-up days.
We look forward to welcoming students back on Monday!

ALUMNI SPOTLIGHT: Greg Piklapp is a 1999 graduate who works as a director at the Ames Chamber & Economic Development Commission!

April is World Autism Awareness Month! All individuals in the autism community deserve respect and support.
Learn more: https://www.autismspeaks.org/world-autism-month

ALUMNI SPOTLIGHT: Sean Blomgren is a 2002 graduate working in agriculture as a consultant and running his family’s ag input business!

This weekend, BHS Toreador Theatre is proud to present “Murder on the Orient Express”! Performances will take place at Boone High School Friday, March 31, and Saturday, April 1 at 7:00pm (both shows).
Tickets are $6 for adults and K-12 students. To guarantee a reserved seat, please purchase tickets online at https://events.ticketspicket.com/agency/6ca5aba9-747c-4c44-9972-88a8228630b2/events. Remaining tickets can be purchased at the door the night of the show (online or cash).
Disclaimer to Families: This show contains some strong language (a few explicit words) and mature content (darker themes).

Franklin Elementary is excited to host its Fine Arts Showcases from 6:30 to 7:30pm in the Franklin Gym on the following dates:
✅Tuesday, March 28: 2nd grade
✅Thursday, March 30: 3rd grade
✅Tuesday, April 4: 4th grade
We hope you’ll join us as we admire our students’ amazing work!

This weekend, BHS Toreador Theatre is proud to present “Murder on the Orient Express”! Performances will take place at Boone High School Friday, March 31, and Saturday, April 1 at 7:00pm (both shows).
Tickets are $6 for adults and K-12 students. To guarantee a reserved seat, please purchase tickets online at https://events.ticketspicket.com/agency/6ca5aba9-747c-4c44-9972-88a8228630b2/events. Remaining tickets can be purchased at the door the night of the show (online or cash).

ALUMNI SPOTLIGHT: Maren LaFollette is a 2015 graduate who works in accounting, does makeup, and creates social media content for brands!

Save the Date! In May, we will hold Preschool & Kindergarten Experience Days to allow students to get a glimpse into what their day will look like next school year. Students will have the opportunity to meet staff and their future classmates!
Both experience days will be held at Page Elementary.
Our TK/Kindergarten Experience Day will be held on Friday, May 5 from 8:30 to 11am. This event will allow your TK or kindergarten student to practice being in TK or Kinder! Fun activities and learning will help children hold this memory all summer long when they think about school.
Our Preschool Experience Day will be held on Wednesday, May 10. The day will be split into four, one-hour visits to allow children to get to know staff and each other more closely! Letters with assigned times will be sent during the first week of April.
Students and families are invited to join us to learn more about our new Ledges Elementary School, our programming, and our staff. We look forward to meeting you!

Congratulations to Sierra Sherry and Emma Westfall on being selected for the All-State Speech Festival! Sierra was nominated for Original Oratory, and Emma was nominated for Public Address.
Only 400 students from across the state have been selected by the IHSSA as Outstanding Performers and invited to participate in the 46th Annual All-State Festival of Individual Events. The festival will be held Monday, March 27 at the University of Northern Iowa.

Did you know? Our Boone Extended Preschool (BEP) program offers wrap-around childcare for 4 year-old preschool students from 7am to 5:30pm!
Activities in the BEP classroom are structured around preschool academic and social-emotional learning targets. We invite you to learn more about this great program: https://sites.google.com/boone.k12.ia.us/earlychildhoodregistration/childcare

It was great to welcome our students back from spring break today! We hope you enjoyed your time off. Now, let’s make the rest of the school year truly special!

A very happy St. Patrick’s Day from all of us to all of you! 🍀

ALUMNI SPOTLIGHT: Erin (Babberl) Robey is a 2010 graduate who owns and operates the Boone Theater!

During Music in Our Schools Month, we’re proud to highlight our support for music education because it helps students improve memory, learn valuable teamwork skills, relieve stress, and so much more.
Thank you to the music educators who support our students! 🎼

Friendly reminders from the Ledges Elementary School Nurse! First, please call your child’s primary care provider to schedule their yearly well-child exam and update immunizations prior to your child starting school!
➡️ Certificate of Immunizations must be received prior to the first day of school (form printed by medical provider).
➡️ All incoming preschoolers must have a current physical. Physicals within 1 year from the start date of school this fall are classified as current. Physicals must be kept current throughout the school year. Physicals are no longer current when 1 year has passed from the previous physical and must be updated within 30 days of expiring. This can be mailed or faxed to your child’s elementary school.
➡️ Certificate of Immunizations must be received prior to the first day of school (form printed by medical provider).
➡️ Copy of your child’s most recent physical including lead testing results.
➡️ Dental Screening Form: https://tinyurl.com/yc5zmbyx
➡️ Student Vision Card: https://tinyurl.com/4rykat2k
Both dental and vision forms are available at your dentist and doctor’s offices, as well.
1st Grade:
➡️ NO required items if your child is a returning student.
➡️ New students are required to provide a Certificate of Immunization prior to the first day of school (form printed by medical provider) and a copy of your child’s most recent physical.
*Please note: If your child has an environmental/food allergy, will need medication administered while at school, or requires a special diet, those forms can be found on the Boone Community School District website: https://www.boonecsd.org/
Please notify the school nurse prior to your child attending school if they have a health condition that will require assistance. Thank you, and we look forward to welcoming students to Ledges Elementary this fall!

Happy Pi Day! How do you plan to celebrate? Here are some of our favorite ideas:
🥧Starting with 3.14, see how many digits of pi you can memorize
🥧Go for a 3.14-mile walk or run
🥧Order pizza with your friends
🥧Bake a pie
Let us know if you have any other fun suggestions!

REMINDER: Daylight saving time begins tomorrow! 🕰️ As it’s time to “spring forward,” be sure to move your clocks one hour ahead tonight.