Graphic shows preschool readiness tips for those who plan to enroll their child at Ledges.
Graphic shows that Pack the Gym is happening on Friday, January 31.
Graphic shows that registration is open at Ledges
Graphic shows tips to dress in  cold weather.
Graphic shows that registration for preschool, TK, and kindergarten is happening on Thursday at 6 pm at Ledges.
Graphic shows that there is no school on Monday, January 20
Graphic shows that Boone is hiring
Graphic encourages people to download the Boone CSD app for weather notifications
Graphic shows that Boone is hiring a 7-12 Activities Director
Graphic asks Boone alumni to share their stories
Graphic shows that Winter Break is December 23-January 3
Graphic shows that Finals are being taken this week by students
Graphic shows more than $28,000 raised for the Festival of Hope
Graphic shows a memorial concert happening on Sunday
Graphic shows there are middle school concerts on Tuesday night
Graphic shows there are two middle school drama performances this week
Graphic shows Thanksgiving Break schedule for the upcoming week including November 27-29 with no school.
Graphic shows that Parent-Teacher Conferences are Monday and Tuesday
Graphic shows that it's Substitute Educators Day
Graphic shows that it's American Education Week