School Meal Changes for 2022-23. Please watch the informational video below.

Check out this weeks edition of the Toreador Times!

Boone CSD received an Iowa Workforce Development grant for Summer Youth Internships. The grant helped us to partner with a variety of local businesses to give students paid experiences in a field of their interest. Many thanks to Boone County Fairgrounds, Haupert Electric, Kruck Plumbing & Heating, and Lane Trailers for hosting our students. 6 BHS students successfully completed an internship, working a minimum of 20 hours per week for at least 6 weeks of their summer. We are pleased to be one of the internship experiences showcased by Iowa Workforce Development! Check out the video that highlights the internship experience at Lane Trailers and our students' success here:

Welcome back Toreadors!! We have had a great first week!

The Boone Booster Club is proud to announce the opening of an on-line Boone Toreador store that will be available 24/7 for Boone Apparel and Merchandise! The store is through Game One. Items ordered will ship directly to your home. We have been told items will ship within 5-7 days of your order. You will be able to select from many apparel & accessory options and will be able to customize items by choosing your own colors and design selections. The Toreador Mascot will soon be added to some of the design choices as well! A portion of the proceeds will go back to the Boone Booster Club.You may also find the store by searching in your browser for Game One and selecting Boone High School as your fan store. We are excited to have this available for the Toreador fans and hope you have fun shopping!

August Breakfast/Lunch Menus!
***Please Note that School Breakfast and Lunch is NOT free for the 2022-2023 School year.

Another drum roll please....
The new name for our Futures Alternative High School and Boone HSAP Program is.....
Crossroads Learning Hub!!
We are excited so for this new journey!!

Please help us welcome some of our new Teachers to the Toreador Family!

A Special Announcement from Principal Seiler!!
Thank you to all of you that gave suggestions and voted to name our new school! What a great community! A special thank you to our naming committee that supported this work with their time and energy! Drum roll please… the Elementary School on Hancock Drive will be called: Ledges Elementary School!

More pictures from todays amazing event with Clint Pulver!

Boone Staff STIX Together! We had an amazing welcome back celebration today with the BCSD with special guest Clint Pulver!! Clint is an Emmy Award Winning Keynote Speaker and Professional Drummer, also known as "The Undercover Millennial". Clint shared his insights on how to build a team that really works. "You'll be recognizing possibilities where others see problems, and capturing the power of small moments to create a meaningful legacy. Your company can be a place where people don't just survive, but thrive" - Clint Pulver
Thank you to all of our sponsors who helped make this event possible!
Fareway Meat and Grocery
Stecker Concrete
Dutch Oven Bakery
Kruck Plumbing
Pritchard Brothers
Boehm Insurance
Hope Foundation

*** Attention ***
All Buildings including Central Office will be closed 8/17/22 from 8am to 11am for All Staff Meetings. We are getting so excited to see everyone back next week!!

The BCSD is hiring! We currently have a part time position open for a Bus Route Driver and a full time position open for a PM Custodian. See the flyers below! Apply today!
Boone Community School District is an equal opportunity employer. If you have questions or a grievance, contact the BCSD Equity Coordinator Mrs. Jill Janes, jjanes@boone.k12.ia.us, at BCSD, 500 7th Street, Boone, Iowa 50036; (515) 433-0750.

TONIGHT IS THE NIGHT!!!! Come ROCK THE BLOCK with Stonebridge Church from 6 - 8pm!! TONS of FREE School Supplies, FREE Food, and FUN activities to do as a family! It's gonna be a GREAT NIGHT, so invite your friends and plan to join us!!
Check in at the Welcome Table near the Main Building for School Supplies (Children MUST be present to receive supplies)! Food & Fun are located in the Parking Lot!
HUGE THANKS to Community Partners for helping make this event a success!!
🚓 Boone Police Benevolence Association 🚓
🌭 Fareway Stores Boone 🍪
👩🏫 Boone Community School District 👨🏫
🖍✏️ Stonebridge Church 📓📒

Did you know that Boone Community School District now has an Instagram?
Please follow us for all the latest info about the District!

Please note time change for Freshman/New Student Orientation: 5:00 to 7:00

Back to School Edition of the Toreador Times!

It's down to two choices! We need one more vote from you! Voting will close at midnight on August 15th.
Below, you will find the names that got the two highest votes. Please take a moment to vote!
Option 1: Ledges Elementary School- There were multiple community suggestions around the Ledges state park. The theme of the building was taken from beautiful views and natural elements of the state park. . It is a name easy to say for students.
Option 2: Willow Trail Elementary School- This was a suggestion from the community. A tree represents the learning and growing that happens in these early grades. We searched other places in Boone and surrounding communities to see if there was anything like this. It is a name easy to say for students, short, and has a welcoming tone.
Click here to vote:

Help us choose a new name!!
Thank you so much for all your votes! We have over 700 responses, but we want to make sure everyone has a chance to vote! Please make sure to vote by July 31st!
Click on the link:

Check out this awesome time lapse video of the construction for the new Futures/HSAP Building!