Are you planning to enroll your child for preschool at Ledges Elementary for the 2025-26 school year? Here are a few tips to make sure your child is ready for success in preschool!
🍎 Provide your child with the time to dress themselves independently.
🍏 Provide your child with the time and opportunities to practice putting on and taking off their shoes independently.
🍎 Provide experiences for your child to ask for help before jumping in to provide support.
🍏 Ensure your child knows and practices how to use their words to communicate!
🍎 Read with your child: let them choose the book, orient the book, and turn the pages. Doing so allows children to learn the basics of reading so they are ready for storytime and independent book opportunities in the classroom!
We’re so excited to welcome our youngest learners this fall at Ledges, and we hope we can work with families on building and growing these skills together!