Curriculum & Instruction
BCSD Is a Professional Learning Community
Boone Community School District is a professional learning community (PLC). A PLC is an ongoing collaborative process of inquiry and action research to achieve better results for students. As a PLC, collaborative teams within each of our schools address four essential questions to drive our instruction:
What do we expect all students to learn?
How will we know our students have learned it?
How will we respond if they do not learn it?
How will we respond if they already know it?
This collaborative work as a PLC is at the root of our efforts for improved teaching and learning and professional development.
Curriculum Standards for Student Learning
Our classroom instruction is driven by the standards of the Iowa Core Curriculum. Each collaborative team at BCSD has developed essential standards, assessment, and instruction for each grade level and course based upon the Iowa Core.
Standards Referenced Learning & Grading
The Boone Community School District believes it is essential to ensure learning for all students. Standards Referenced Learning and Standards Referenced Grading (SRG) is a key to this promise. Teachers work collaboratively to identify essential learning standards for each grade level and course. Teams determine what it looks like to be at the beginning, developing, and proficient level as well as what it looks like to exceed expectations for each standard. Using SRG, teachers focus on what students should know and be able to do and report learning to students and families according to essential standards.
The Boone Community School District uses a combination of districtwide, grade-level, and classroom assessments to monitor student learning. Norm-referenced, criterion-referenced, performance, formal and informal classroom-based assessment instruments aligned with content standards are used to collaborate in teaching teams and with families in support of student success.
Iowa School Performance Profile Data
The Iowa School Performance Profile is an online tool showing how public schools performed on required measures. You may see Boone CSD district and school reports here:
Curriculum Review
Curriculum development is an ongoing process. Embedded within our PLC Collaborative Teams is a process to review curriculum materials and implementation of instructional strategies. Teams review alignment of student learning standards across grade levels and courses, analyze student achievement data, and reflect upon materials and instruction.
Instructional Technology
Boone Community School District provides technology and resources in order to create a universal, 21st century learning environment. Technology is integrated into learning opportunities for students PK-12. This includes the use of Chromebooks for 1:1 technology access for all students.
Contact Person:
Dr. Jill Janes, Director of Innovative Learning
Central Office
500 7th St. Boone, IA 50036
Phone - 515-432-7750 ext. 1121
Fax - 515-433-0753