Business Office

The Business Services Office ensures the district’s overall financial integrity and stability through the development of annual and multi-year budgets. Additionally, the department is responsible for enrollment and staffing projections and allocations, nutrition services, purchasing and procurement, accounting and payroll.

Financial Health of District

Paulette Newbold, Business Manager

Paulette Newbold,
Director of Business Services

Payroll & Benefits Information

Use the following links to view benefit, payroll, and retirement investors club information. If you have questions or would like additional information contact Payroll Manager, Teresa Ott by email: or call: (515) 433-0750.

Teresa Ott, Payroll Manager

Teresa Ott,
Payroll Manager

Accounts Payable

Use the following links to view travel reimbursement and weblink/purchase orders. If you have questions or would like additional information contact Paulette Newbold by email: or call: (515) 433-0750.

toreador logo

Jaclyn Byers,
Accounts Payable

Union Agreements

Boone Education Association Master Contract

The Boone Board of Education and Boone Education Association enter into a collective bargaining agreement for all regular full-time and part-time teachers, guidance counselors, media specialists, technology specialists, and nurses.

United Electrical, Radio and Machine Workers of America, Local 893 Master Contract

The Boone Board of Education and United Electrical, Radio and Machine Workers of America, Local 893 enter into a collective bargaining agreement for full-time and part-time non-certified staff.