Welcome to Franklin Elementary

2nd Grade through 4th Grade

1903 Crawford St Boone, IA 50036

School Hours: 8:05am to 3:05pm

Office Hours: 7:45am to 4:00pm

Phone: (515) 433-0860 Fax: (515) 433-0950

Franklin Elementary School is a building of approximately 370 amazing 2nd, 3rd and 4th grade students and approximately 55 dedicated staff members. We work hard to partner with parents and develop outstanding young people who will be successful in the future. At Franklin, we Expect the Best and Achieve Success because that’s the Toreador Way!

We offer a variety of experiences to help our students become well-rounded young people. This includes fine arts and physical education, technology integration and STEM activities, character education, a Books and Braids club for our young ladies and a SWAG Squad (Students Who Act like Gentlemen) for our young men. It’s important that our students feel connected to the school community and build positive relationships with peers and staff members so they are excited to come to school and learn every day.


Contact Us

brad winter

Brad Winter

Franklin Elementary Building Principal



brittany mccumber

Brittany McCumber

Franklin Elementary Secretary

